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@comment{{Command line: /usr/bin/bib2bib -q -oc books -ob books.bib -c '$type = "INCOLLECTION" or $type = "INBOOK"' /web/pub/publications/sardes.bib}}
@inbook{Arnaud11b, author = {Jean Arnaud and Sara Bouchenak}, chapter = {{Performance, Availability and Cost of Self-Adaptive Internet Services}}, title = {{Chapter of Performance and Dependability in Service Computing}}, publisher = {{IGI Global}}, year = 2011 }
@inbook{boyer09, author = {Fabienne Boyer and No\"el de Palma and Olivier Gruber and Sylvain Sicard and Jean-Bernard Stefani}, chapter = {{Self-Repair of Distributed Applications}}, title = {{Architecting Dependable Systems, Lectures Notes in Computer Science, edited by R. De Lemos and J.C. Fabre}}, year = {2009}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, url = {http://sardes.inrialpes.fr/papers/files/Boyer09a.pdf} }
@inbook{Taton08a, author = {Christophe Taton and No\"el de Palma and Sara Bouchenak}, chapter = {{Adaptive Middleware for Message Queuing Systems}}, title = {{Encyclopedia of Database Systems}}, year = {2008}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, url = {http://sardes.inrialpes.fr/papers/files/Taton08a.pdf} }
@inbook{Bouchenak08a, author = {Sara Bouchenak and No\"el de Palma}, chapter = {{Message Queuing Systems}}, title = {{Encyclopedia of Database Systems}}, year = {2008}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, url = {http://sardes.inrialpes.fr/papers/files/Bouchenak08a.pdf} }
@inbook{krakowiak-teching08, author = {Sacha Krakowiak}, chapter = {Syst{\`e}mes d'exploitation : principes et fonctions}, title = {Technologies logicielles}, publisher = {Techniques de l'Ing{\'e}nieur}, year = 2008, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes} }
@incollection{SchmittS05, author = {Alan Schmitt and Jean-Bernard Stefani}, title = {The Kell Calculus: A Family of Higher-Order Distributed Process Calculi}, booktitle = {Global Computing}, editor = {C. Priami and P. Quaglia}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {3267}, year = {2005} }
@inbook{bouchenak02a, author = {Sara Bouchenak and Daniel Hagimont}, chapter = 6, pages = {149--171}, publisher = {in Les intergiciels (I.~Demeure and \'{E}.~Najm, ed.), Herm{\`e}s}, title = {Services de mobilit{\'e} et de persistance des applications Java}, year = 2002 }
@inbook{boyer02a, author = {Fabienne Boyer and Olivier Charra and Aline Senart}, chapter = 3, pages = {73--92}, publisher = {in Les intergiciels (I.~Demeure and \'{E}.~Najm, ed.), Herm{\`e}s}, title = {R{\'e}flexivit{\'e} pour des environnements adaptables}, year = 2002 }
@incollection{Kuntz02MTCM, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, author = {Gilles Kuntz}, booktitle = {{M}ultimedia {T}ools for {C}ommunicating {M}athematics, J. Borwein, M .H. Morales, K. Polthier and J. F. Rodrigues (eds)}, pages = {221--230}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, title = {Dynamic Geometry on {WWW}}, year = {2002} }
@incollection{export-bind-05, author = {Sacha Krakowiak and Jean-Bernard Stefani}, booktitle = {Informatique R\'{e}partie}, chapter = 9, editor = {D. Trystram and Y. Slimani and M. Jemni}, eng = {http://sardes.inrialpes.fr/papers/files/05-Krakowiak-CFSE-eng.pdf}, note = {Hors-s\'{e}rie de la Revue des sciences et technologies de l'information}, publisher = {Herm\`{e}s}, title = {\texttt{export-bind}~: Un patron d'architecture pour la liaison adaptable}, year = 2005 }
@incollection{cortese06, author = {Giovanni Cortese and Federico Morabito and Fabrizio Davide and Antonino Virgillito and Roberto Beraldi and Vivien Qu\'ema}, booktitle = {Emerging Communication: Studies in New Technologies and Practices in Communication}, editor = {R. Baldoni and G. Cortese and F. Davide and A. Melpignano}, month = jul, note = {ISBN: 1-58603-629-7}, pages = {53--78}, publisher = {IOS Press}, title = {{Data Aggregation in Large-Scale Distributed Systems}}, year = 2006 }
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