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@misc{Bouchenak10b, author = {Sara Bouchenak}, title = {{Automated Control for SLA-Aware Elastic Clouds}}, howpublished = {{Workshop on Feedback Control Implementation and Design in Computing Systems and Networks (FeBID 2010), in conjunction with ACM EuroSys}}, year = 2010, month = apr, address = {Paris, France} }
@misc{Periera08a, author = {Jos\'e Periera and Lu\'is Rodrigues and Nuno Carvalho and Rui Oliveira and Fernando Pedone and Emmanuel Cecchet and sara Bouchenak}, title = {{GORDA Deliverable D7.1 -- Deployment Plan}}, note = {{GORDA European Project}}, year = {2008}, url = {http://gorda.di.uminho.pt/} }
@misc{Correira08a, author = {Almfr\^anio Correira and Christophe Taton and Florent M\'etral and Jos\'e Periera and Lu\'is Soares and Miguel Matos and Nuno Carvalho and Ricardo Val\c{c}a and Rui Oliveira and Sara Bouchenak and Sylvain Sicard}, title = {{GORDA Deliverable D5.4 -- Management Tool Set}}, note = {{GORDA European Project}}, year = {2008}, url = {http://gorda.di.uminho.pt/} }
@misc{Correira08b, author = {Almfr\^anio Correira and Ana Nunes and Ant\'onio Sousa and Emmanuel Cecchet and Jos\'e Periera and Lu\'is Soares and Lu\'is Rodrigues and Miguel Matos and Nuno Carvalho and Rui Oliveira and Ricardo Val\c{c}a and Sara Bouchenak and Sylvain Sicard}, title = {{GORDA Deliverable D5.2 -- Prototype of the Integrated System}}, note = {{GORDA European Project}}, year = {2008}, url = {http://gorda.di.uminho.pt/} }
@mastersthesis{Arnaud2007, author = {Jean Arnaud}, month = jun, school = {Universit\'e Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France}, title = {Gestion de ressources dans les services {I}nternet multi-niveaux -- Mod\'elisation et optimisation}, type = {{Rapport de Master Recherche Informatique~: Syst\`emes et Logiciel (Master's thesis)}}, year = 2007, url = {http://sardes.inrialpes.fr/papers/files/07-Arnaud-MasterThesis.pdf} }
@mastersthesis{Gaud2007, author = {Fabien Gaud}, title = {Gestion autonome de flots d'ex{\'e}cution {\'e}v{\'e}nementiels}, school = {Universit\'e Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France}, year = {2007}, url = {http://sardes.inrialpes.fr/papers/files/07-Gaud-MasterThesis.pdf} }
@mastersthesis{Malvault07, author = {Willy Malvault}, title = {Protocoles de diffusion totalement ordonn{\'ee} sur syst{\`e}mes distribu{\'e}s synchrones}, school = {Universit\'e Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France}, year = {2007}, url = {http://sardes.inrialpes.fr/papers/files/07-Malvault-MasterThesis.pdf} }
@mastersthesis{Quema02:DEA, address = {Grenoble}, author = {Vivien Qu{\'e}ma}, month = jun, school = {\'Ecole Doctorale Math{\'e}matiques et Informatique}, title = {Configuration d'un \emph{middleware} dirig{\'e}e par les applications}, type = {{Rapport de DEA Informatique~: Syst{\`e}mes et Communication}}, url = {http://sardes.inrialpes.fr/~quema/rapport_DEA.pdf}, year = 2002 }
@mastersthesis{Layaida02:DEA, address = {Grenoble}, author = {Oussama Layaida}, month = jun, school = {\'Ecole Doctorale Math{\'e}matiques et Informatique}, title = {Adaptation dynamique dans les applications multim{\'e}dia r{\'e}parties}, type = {{Rapport de DEA Informatique~: Syst{\`e}mes et Communication}}, url = {http://sardes.inrialpes.fr/~olayaida/papers/Rapport-DEA.pdf}, year = 2002 }
@unpublished{SchmittStefani02:mcalculus_long, author = {Alan Schmitt and Jean-Bernard Stefani}, note = {Draft of the long version, available at \url{http://pauillac.inria.fr/~aschmitt/publications.html}}, title = {{The M-calculus: A Higher Order Distributed Process Calculus}}, year = 2002 }
@misc{jonathan-tutorial, author = {Sacha Krakowiak}, howpublished = {ObjectWeb}, title = {The {J}onathan Tutorial}, url = {http://www.objectweb.org/jonathan/doc/tutorial}, year = 2002 }
@misc{gv-atica02, author = {G. Vand{\^o}me}, howpublished = {Conf{\'e}rence ATICA (``3^{ieme} Journ{\'e}e du Libre''), Paris}, month = apr, title = {{Les EJB et les API d'int{\'e}gration de J2EE ; ObjectWeb}}, url = {http://www.objectweb.org/doc/external/Atica-4-02.pdf}, year = 2002 }
@misc{gv-linuxexpo02, author = {G. Vand{\^o}me}, howpublished = {Linux Expo, Paris}, month = jan, title = {{Open Source for Mission Critical Applications: ObjectWeb and JOnAS}}, url = {http://www.objectweb.org/doc/external/JOnASLinuxExpo02.pdf}, year = 2002 }
@mastersthesis{Marguerite03:DEA, address = {Grenoble}, author = {Pierre Marguerite}, month = jun, school = {\'Ecole Doctorale Math{\'e}matiques et Informatique}, title = {Deploiement d'un intergiciel en environnement h\'et\'erog\`ene \`a grande \'echelle}, type = {{Rapport de DEA Informatique~: Syst{\`e}mes et Communication}}, year = 2003 }
@misc{inside03reconfiguration, author = {Vivien Qu\'ema}, date-modified = {2006-10-05 14:46:15 +0200}, howpublished = {INSIDE, livrable T3.1}, month = oct, note = {http://sardes.inrialpes.fr/papers/reports.shtml}, title = {Etat de l'art sur la reconfiguration dynamique dans les syst\`emes r\'epartis}, year = 2003 }
@mastersthesis{boutaleb04:DEA, address = {Grenoble}, author = {Btissam {Boutaleb Joutei}}, month = jun, school = {\'Ecole Doctorale Math{\'e}matiques et Informatique}, title = {Cartographie automatique de syst{\`e}mes distribu{\'e}s pour l'administration de grappes de machines}, type = {{Rapport de Master Recherche Informatique~: Syst{\`e}mes et Logiciel (Master's thesis)}}, year = 2004 }
@mastersthesis{reboul04:DEA, address = {Grenoble}, author = {Julien Reboul}, month = jun, school = {\'Ecole Doctorale Math{\'e}matiques et Informatique}, title = {Surveillance d'applications sur grappes de machines}, type = {{Rapport de Master Recherche Informatique~: Syst{\`e}mes et Logiciel (Master's thesis)}}, year = 2004 }
@misc{cecchet04b, author = {Emmanuel Cecchet}, howpublished = {\emph{IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin}}, month = jun, title = {C-JDBC: A Middleware Framework for Database Clustering}, year = 2004 }
@mastersthesis{philippe05a, author = {Jeremy Philippe}, month = jun, school = {\'Ecole Doctorale Math\'ematiques et Informatique, Grenoble}, title = {Garanties de Niveau de Service pour les Applications Web}, type = {{Rapport de Master Recherche Informatique~: Syst\`emes et Logiciel (Master's thesis)}}, year = 2005 }
@mastersthesis{taton05a, author = {Christophe Taton}, month = jun, school = {\'Ecole Doctorale Math\'ematiques et Informatique, Grenoble}, title = {Reconfiguration dynamique d'applications r\'eparties sur une grappe de serveurs pour l'adaptation \`a la charge}, type = {{Rapport de Master Recherche Informatique~: Syst\`emes et Logiciel (Master's thesis)}}, year = 2005 }
@mastersthesis{sicard05, author = {Sylvain Sicard}, month = jun, school = {\'Ecole Doctorale Math\'ematiques et Informatique, Grenoble}, title = {Tol\'erance aux fautes pour les syst\`emes autonomes}, type = {{Rapport de Master Recherche Informatique~: Syst\`emes et Logiciel (Master's thesis)}}, year = 2005, url = {http://sardes.inrialpes.fr/papers/files/05-Sicard-DEA.pdf} }
@mastersthesis{bourcier05, author = {Johann Bourcier}, month = jun, school = {\'Ecole Doctorale Math\'ematiques et Informatique, Grenoble}, title = {D\'eploiement d'applications {J2EE} sur des serveurs en grappe}, type = {{Rapport de Master Recherche Informatique~: Syst\`emes et Logiciel (Master's thesis)}}, year = 2005 }
@mastersthesis{bauza05, author = {Sylvain Bauza}, month = jun, school = {\'Ecole Doctorale Math\'ematiques et Informatique, Grenoble}, title = {Installation automatis\'ee d'applications sur un syst\`eme distribu\'e}, type = {{Rapport de Master Recherche Informatique~: Syst\`emes et Logiciel (Master's thesis)}}, year = 2005 }
@mastersthesis{claudel-ms06, author = {Beno\^it Claudel}, month = jun, school = {\'Ecole Doctorale Math\'ematiques et Informatique, Grenoble}, title = {Auto-protection des syst\`emes autonomes -- Application aux grappes {J2EE}}, type = {{Rapport de Master Recherche Informatique~: Syst\`emes et Logiciel (Master's thesis)}}, url = {http://sardes.inrialpes.fr/papers/file/06-Claudel-M2R.pdf}, year = 2006 }
@mastersthesis{sfontaine06b, author = {St\'ephane Fontaine}, key = {Syst\`emes autonomes, d\'eploiement adaptatif, grappes, grilles, calcul scientifique}, month = jun, school = {\'Ecole Doctorale Math\'ematiques et Informatique, Grenoble}, title = {Syst\`emes autonomes -- Application au calcul scientifique sur grilles}, type = {{Rapport de Master Recherche Informatique~: Syst\`emes et Logiciel (Master's thesis)}}, year = 2006 }
@mastersthesis{Lenglet2006, author = {Sergue{\"\i} Lenglet}, month = jun, school = {\'Ecole Normale Sup{\'e}rieure de Lyon}, title = {Bisimulations dans un $\pi$-calcul d'ordre sup{\'e}rieur avec passivation}, type = {{Rapport de Master Recherche Informatique (Master's thesis)}}, year = 2006 }
@mastersthesis{mayot06, author = {Fr\'ed\'eric Mayot}, month = sep, school = {\'Ecole Doctorale Math\'ematiques et Informatique, Grenoble}, title = {Programmation parall\`ele \`a base de composants pour les applications de \emph{streaming} -- Contribution \`a l'infrastructure {T}hink}, type = {{Rapport de Master Recherche Informatique~: Syst\`emes et Logiciel (Master's thesis)}}, url = {http://sardes.inrialpes.fr/papers/files/06-Mayot-M2R.pdf}, year = 2006 }
@misc{pous:camcad09:utas, author = {Damien Pous}, title = {Untyping Typed Algebraic Structures}, howpublished = {CAM-CAD Workshop}, month = {October}, year = 2009, url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00421158/}, note = {(Available as a HAL report)} }
@misc{bp:coq09:kacoq, author = {Thomas Braibant and Damien Pous}, title = {A Tactic for Deciding {K}leene Algebras}, howpublished = {1st Coq Workshop}, month = {August}, year = 2009, url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00383070/}, note = {(Available as a HAL report)} }
@misc{bp:coqworkshop10:aacrewrite, author = {Thomas Braibant and Damien Pous}, title = {Rewriting modulo Associativity and Commutativity in Coq}, howpublished = {2nd Coq Workshop}, month = {July}, year = 2010, url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00484871/}, note = {(Available as a HAL report)} }
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